There are several things you can do to stop and prevent acne. Such things as cleansing and exfoliating your face, and controlling your diet, all work. But did you know homemade facial masks for acne should also be part of your arsenal to stop acne.
A chemical peel is sometimes confused with a facial mask, so lets take a look at the difference between the two.
Chemical Peel Versus Facial Mask
A chemical peel is performed by a professional to help remove wrinkles, acne, brown spots, etc from your face. This is a very intense and expensive exfoliating procedure that should not be done to frequently since you may do more damage than good to your skin.
A facial mask on the other hand you can perform yourself. These are not as harsh as chemical peels and are done to remove dirt, makeup and oil helping you stop and prevent acne.
So what are some facial masks you can make at home?
Oatmeal And Baking Soda Mask
Oatmeal is excellent for removing dead skin, cleansing the skin and unclogging your pores. Baking soda is used in a lot of other facial masks or it can be used just by itself. It helps remove the excess oil on your skin and will also remove dead skin from your face.
To make this mask combine equal amounts of warm water, oatmeal and baking soda till you have a thick paste. Apply to your face and let set for up to 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
Egg White Mask
This is a rather inexpensive mask that has shown to be effective at stopping acne.
Using one or more eggs, separate the yolk from the whites and then stir the whites if you so desire. Apply the whites to your face using a small brush or even your fingers. Let set for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Mayonnaise Mask
To help tighten your pores, a mayonnaise mask may be just what you want, especially if you have dry skin. Some just apply it out of the jar after they warm it up, but some add honey to the mixture for additional help to the skin. Honey will help cleanse the skin and clean your pores while at the same time moisturizing your pores.
Leave this mixture on for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.
These are just a few of the inexpensive facial masks you can make at home to help you stop and fight acne.
Jimmy C has been studying skin care for many years because of his skin problems in his youth and he is the Editor in Chief of a number of skin care web sites. Being a victim of acne in his younger days, he has researched this subject to help people prevent and stop acne. He has also studied many aspects of caring for the bodies skin and keeping it youthful and free of irritants.
For more information on caring for acne or other facial blemishes and keeping your youthful appearance go to his web sites at or