There are several underlying causes that trigger the development of Acne - a common internal skin inflammatory disorder that affects millions of people around the world. However, there are other external factors that either facilitate acne formation or disrupt the healing process around the exterior acne-affected areas of the skin. As qualified dermatologists aver, even the most comprehensive medical treatments - carried out while the acne is still in the initial stages of development - will fail to eliminate it without dealing with the external triggers first.
Contrary to perception, acne is not caused by poor skin care and hygiene, extremely dry/oily skin, or abnormally large or clogged pores. However, these conditions do affect the skin's natural healing process, making acne sufferers more susceptible or prone to this inflammatory skin disease.
If you have acne, there are some simple acne solutions that work. To start with, these solutions espouse the adoption of some basic hygienic habits to look after your skin everyday. This will help balance its ph levels and, more importantly hasten the acne healing process. As a result, your skin will appear healthier, smoother, more even-toned, and glowing.
Despite the availability of skin lotions - formulated for different uses, like cleansing, exfoliation and medication - there are other simple acne-treating methods that work. These include a twice-daily face wash using a 100% natural, anti-bacterial soap, especially a soap containing tea tree oil, or redness, swelling and inflammation-reducing 'Cetaphil soap. Using such medicated and mild antiseptic soaps will significantly improve the overall look of your skin. Better still, you won't experience the extra dryness, allergic reactions and irritation generally associated with the use of over-the-counter skin-treating agents, like Benzyl Peroxide.
A face wash must always follow a 5-minute steaming exercise. Take these 3 simple steps post steaming:
1. Wet the soap bar with water.
2. Use your fingertips to apply soap around the face with circular movements.
3. Wash the face lightly and then use a cotton towel to pat it dry.
You must know that abnormally oily skin is an indicator of hormonal imbalance which, in turn, causes your sebaceous glands to produce excessive amounts of oil. Thankfully, this problem can be addressed with internal acne medication. However, affected external areas of the skin should be treated with either an oil-controlling astringent, 'Neutrogena' pore-cleansing soap, or with the application of a natural mask made from egg whites or bentonitre. Avoid water-based astringents and alcohol.
Excessively dry skin conditions can also be addressed by internal skin treatments and other methods, such as oil balancing/secretion control medications, anti-toxins, and dietary alterations which include the consumption of healthy food supplements. Additionally, a daily intake of at least 10 glasses of water is also highly recommended to keep the skin well hydrated. To treat external parts of the skin, apply generous amounts of high-quality moisturizers: gels which contain 99% Aloe Vera being good examples. However, do avoid harsh, chemical-based external skin care products. These will only exacerbate a dry skin problem.
Caution: Inflammation, increased redness around affected skin areas, and mild/moderate irritation can be caused by excessive face washing.
Finally, irrespective of the acne skin care brand/products you choose, or the contents they contain, pre-testing each one for a short period and then evaluating its effectiveness is crucial. This can be done by applying miniscule amounts of the product on a dollar-sized area of the skin. Once you find acne treatment solutions that work, regaining smooth, healthy and radiant skin will soon be in sight.
For more information about the Best Acne Treatment, visit the Acne Treatments That Work blog site.