We might not talk about it much, but sadly - like long hair and bad music - acne isn't something that's limited to your teenage years. Long after you stop being a teenager your pores can still occasionally get blocked and become infected, leaving a small lump on your skin that can be as small as a pinhead or considerably larger. More than 50% of adult women and 25% of adult men suffer from acne, and older people are increasingly beginning skincare routines and seeking treatment for the condition.
Where there are lots of spots and blemishes, your skin will often become red as the skin around the blemishes becomes inflamed. Acne can leave permanent blemishes and scarring, particularly if you "pop" spots!
We've all been told that eating fatty foods or not getting enough exercise can cause acne, but that's more or less bunk. Unless you spend your days rolling in mud and never go for a bath, general hygiene isn't really an issue when it comes to the causes of acne. While this does mean you don't have to feel quite so guilty, it also sadly means that you need to start a proper skincare routine. As is so often the case, it's all largely down to genetics. Four factors, usually working in combination, can contribute towards acne:
1) Testosterone, which is present in varying quantities in men and women, can lead to the over-production of sebum, a natural moisturiser secreted by your skin.
2) This leads to blocked pores and can trap dead cells, which clump together in sebum.
3) This is the perfect environment in which bacteria can grow.
4) White blood cells - your body's antibodies and last line of defence - attack the invading bacteria. While the white cells will almost always win the fight, they also clog up the pore and form the pus that fills a whitehead.
Proper skincare and removing any one of these factors should seriously reduce the appearance of acne and blemishes.
Acne causing hormones are at their most active when we are teenagers, but usually stabilise as we move out of adolescence and into our later twenties. Sudden, significant break-outs when you are older might indicate that your hormones are imbalanced, possibly as a result of glandular disorders - check with your doctor to investigate possible causes since some glandular disorders can be serious.
Sebum, dead cells and bacteria can all be washed away, but be careful with the cleansers you use as many high street skincare brands contain harsh chemical ingredients that can damage your skin. Skincare can easily become skinharm.
Many men suffer acne outbreaks after shaving. These spots and blemishes are a common reason some give up on shaving altogether and grow a beard. Shaving properly is an important part of skincare and can really help reduce your rates of acne. Buy an electric razor, or failing that, a single blade disposable one. The shave may not be quite so close as from a multiblade, but leaving some of the follicle exposed means the pore doesn't close and cause a shaving bump. Use warm water to heat your face before shaving: it's an old barber's trick and makes your face more pliable and less prone to acne. Also, keep your lather to a thin film and find a shaving cream or skincare product that doesn't irritate your skin, as these can be another cause of bumps and blemishes.
Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile and many other natural skincare ingredients have all proven effective at reducing inflammation. Although it may be a precursor to an acne breakout, your skin needs sebum, and when it is scrubbed away your skin's natural response is to produce more, leading to an even greater imbalance.
With the proper natural ingredients and a good skincare routine, however, you can maintain your skin's natural balance and seriously reduce your risk of developing acne and blemishes.
If you suffer from acne and conventional treatments just haven't helped. Visit our website and find the product for you. http://www.greenpeople.co.uk/content/acne.html