You may have noticed that when you suffer from acne that you feel embarrassed and you don't understand why the people look at your skin condition and not you as an individual. It bothers you doesn't? I remember growing up and it bothered me a lot. And I know it must bother you tremendously. So you sit and think yourself, "how do I get clear skin within a matter of a few days?" We have all wondered then and it has remained somewhat of a mystery. However, I'm going to shed some light on this, so this will put your mind at ease knowing that you can have clear skin within a week or so.
If you don't have the money to see a dermatologist then I recommend seeing an esthetician. An esthetician is primarily skin therapists and they are there to help you. You can find the skin therapists at day spas, medi-spas, and they normally work at salons. What they can do is they can assess your skin, find out exactly a white type of skin you have: oily skin, dry skin, or something else such as eczema. Once they have determined that then they will replenish your skin by giving you a facial and set you up with the right treatment. Keep in mind that estheticians are not doctors so they cannot diagnose and prescribe medications. They do however sometimes work alongside dermatologists.
To know exactly what you have and get to the root of your problem than I would recommend saying a skin therapist because they are cheaper than seeing a dermatologist. Once you have the right treatment you will see your skin will become clear within a few days.
In the meantime, before seeing a skin therapist I would suggest doing these:
1) Change your diet. You should consume more water of at least eight, 8 ounce glasses a day. You should also consume more vegetables which contain rich nutrients that will maintain your body's immune system. This will flush out the toxins in your body. Fruit is another good food to eat. These contain vitamins that would help nourish your body.
2) Sleep is another big factor at clearing your acne. When you sleep your body shuts down and repairs itself.
3) Lastly, I recommend taking black currant seed oil because it promotes healthier skin, it supports the body's natural resistance and is a great natural remedy for acne and acne scars. This black currant seed oil does a fantastic job in reducing acne breakouts during periods.
I hope this has been very helpful to you and if you like to read more please read below...
I know that what I am about to reveal to you about on how to get rid of acne, can be almost impossible to believe. But it is 100% truth! Do you know you can get rid of acne within a matter of 7 days? Seems impossible right? Well see for yourself to clear your acne today!